What is Life Teen?

Life Teen is a movement within the Roman Catholic Church, Life Teen leads teenagers and their families into a deeper relationship with Jesus Christ and His Church.

Beyond the Liturgy

As we face times of uncertainty, we know that connection to the Eucharistic liturgy is critical. A close second is community. We recognize that there are circumstances where a parish may have chosen to or be required to suspend any ministry outside of the Mass. It is always a gift and blessing to receive the Eucharist and attend Mass. Where there are opportunities for additional worship and ministry, we should seek to take advantage of those opportunities.


The LifeTeen programme is starting up again in February. We would love to connect with you again and continue our conversation.

LifeTeen Blog

LifeTeen Summit

Summit is Life Teen’s resource for high school teens. This lectionary-based discipleship group is designed to help teens gain a deeper understanding and appreciation for Scripture and the Mass.