A service often Unseen

The ushers perform numerous functions and are often part of the unseen workings which ensure that every Mass goes on as is expected.  There is a group of 5 dedicated men who are always at the church early and who only leave after ensuring that their duties are properly completed.

The ushers take care of the background details, some big and some small, but always important; ensuring that the Mass bulletins are available and the collection bags are laid out; they check to see that there are enough Altar servers, and that the reader and commentator are ready.

Helping some of the elderly and the physically challenged with seating is part of their willing service, as is taking care of unforeseen events like when a parishioner faints.  The offertory procession is supervised by the ushers, as is the collection.  They also perform a security function, needed nowadays even in churches unfortunately.  Their duties only end after Mass once the church is empty.  They assist the sacristan as needed to ensure that the altar and church are ready for th next celebration of the Eucharist.  And os the cycle of unseen but important service repeats itself every weekend.

Contact Graham Schertel :  graham@hamwigas.com