The Liturgy Committee was established to help prepare and carry out the Church’s plan of worship.  The members of the committee represent the different liturgical areas within the church, namely the choir, proclaimers, extra-ordinary ministers of Holy Communion, sacristans and the flower ladies.  These lay people together with the deacons and priest consider, on a quarterly basis, the liturgical feasts and work together facilitating the effective participation of the congregation in the Eucharistic celebrations.

The committee was responsible for the replacement of priests outer vestments, namely the chasubles and additional lectern covers for Advent, Christmas and feast days.

Under the direction of Fr Keith, a number of changes to the liturgy have been successfully made together with some additions.  Some of the changes include a commemorative Mass on All Souls Day to remember all our loved ones who had died in the past year.  Catechetics teachers were recognized and rededicated their commitment to passing on the faith to the children, youth and catechumens of the Parish.  Fr Michael’s commemorative plaque was blessed on the first anniversary of his death with a beautiful service after each of the Sunday Masses.

Communion under both species has been introduced at all weekday Masses.  We noted a few changes at the Easter Masses, the most notable was the invitation to parishioners to take home Easter holy water.  The Feast of the Assumption, on the weekend of 15 August was celebrated with flowers and a procession of Our Lady together with the recitation of the Litany of Our Lady of Lourdes.  This was a beautiful tribute and celebration for the feast, which holds a special significance for South Africa as this is the patronal feast day of the country.

Contact Person: Herman Wiechers