Knights of da Gama – Spreading Christ’s Kingdom on Earth


Our Vision

Our Order is a South African brotherhood of Catholic men whose aim is to encourage its members to contribute to the spread of the Kingdom of Christ on earth by becoming stronger Christians


Our Mission

  • To bring the message of Christ to all people
  • To loyally support in every way possible our Holy Father Pope Francis and all Bishops, Priests and Religious throughout the world
  • To cooperate with the Pontifical Council for the Laity and other Catholic international organisations to advance the Christian way of life
  • To use our individual and joint influence to eliminate injustice from society
  • To grow and strengthen our Orders and establish new Orders of Catholic Knights around the world
  • To help deepen the faith of our brothers and of all Catholics by encouraging active and generous participation in the Life and Mission of the Church

The Knights of da Gama is a Brotherhood of Catholic men, whose aim is to train its members to be better Christians, who by their actions and example contribute to the spread of the Kingdom of Christ on Earth.  The Order is based on the ideals of courage, discipline, care of the sick and the weak, protection and spread of the truth of the Church and search for personal sanctity.
The Order is about Brotherhood, being involved in and with your local community, supporting your local Catholic Church and protecting and improving your family life.

The Bryanston Council of the Knights of da Gama celebrated their 26th anniversary this year, having been established on 6 June 1992.  The Council is named after Blessed Joseph Gerard OMI, (also known as the Apostle of the Basotho), who worked among the Basotho people from 1862 until his death in 1914.  Fr Michael Fitzpatrick was our Reverend Chaplain for many years, and with Archbishop Buti Tlhagale’s permission we have had the pleasure to have Fr Keith Gordon Davis appointed as our new Reverend Chaplain.

The Council is active spiritually, helping our Brothers in pursuing their spiritual sanctification.  We hold a monthly Rosary, and a home Mass every quarter.  These are family events, where we socialize and share in a communal meal afterwards.  Numerous of our members are extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion, and we actively support the various functions of the parish and Diocese.

We hold 2 annual fundraising events: a Spring Charity Ball and Charity Golf Day.  Funds raised from these events have been given to the following charity organizations: Nazareth House Children’s Haven, Missionaries of the Sacred Heart, Holy Rosary Church – Ivory Park, Friends of Bryanston Library, Pensioners Lunch, Radio Veritas, Saint Vincent de Paul, CWL and SPRED amongst others.

The Council has a Local Executive comprised of the following members: Grand Knight Peter Henning, Deputy Grand Knight Peter Mpuang, Secretary Chris Gama, Treasurer Raymond Chamboko, Master at Arms Sipho Velempini, Master of the First Degree Oratile Mosetlhi.

We draw on surrounding parishes in addition to Bryanston with members from the churches in Rivonia, Rosebank, Craighall Park and Northriding.  There are approximately 48 Brothers in the Council which has experienced regular membership growth over the last few years.

For any queries please contact the following members: Peter Henning or Peter Mpuang

Banking Details

Knights of da Gama Council 47;
Standard Bank Fourways Crossing
Branch Code: 009953
Account Number 421 454 040