KAMOHELO means WELCOME in Sesotho.
The group was formed in June 2008.During this 6 year period we have dedicaed our time together as group to primarily prayer, friendship and mutual support.
The other pupose was to try and bring new members of the Parish together and facilitate the intergration of newcomers to the church community and get involved in church activities.
KFG emphasised and agreed that the group worked within the ethos of the church
Other objectives of KGF were to conduct Prayer Cell Group that encourages growth in a Christian / Catholic Group.
KGF also aids faith formation through motivational tals, cultural and intergererational contact.
Presently we meet in our homes: once a month on a Saturday afternoon at 3pm.
We have how ever from time to time raised funds for small projects where we have helped those in need: few examples;
KGF Committee members: Tandy Kanyangarara – 0824532646 : 0115120078
Hellen Myezwa – 0834696249
Hope Washaya – 0715743248
Carlene Gonzo – 0728905048