

This important ministry, started in the parish in the early ’90’s, is aimed at the younger, school-going, members of our Parish (6-12 years) and is an important introduction to the stories of the Old and New Testament, the life of Jesus, the Mass, seasons of the Church year and Catholic values. Children’s Liturgy is not a Crèche for children while parents go to Mass, nor is it a Catechism class. It is an opportunity for children to hear and experience the gospel for the given Sunday Mass, in a format which is appropriate to their understanding.  Children’s Liturgy is offered every Sunday at the 10am Mass.  The children begin the Mass in church with their parents and then, once the teachers have been blessed by the priest, they leave with them.  They then all proceed to the church hall for their own celebration of the Liturgy.

A simple altar with a crucifix and candeles is set up in the hall.  The children sing a song, recite a few prayers and then listed to the Gosepel of the day.  The Gospel is then discussed with the children.  The children are then brough back into the church with their teachers at the Offertory of the Mass to re-join their parents.  The children attending the liturgy are selected to take up the gifts to the altar.

Children’s Liturgy is run by a group of parents on a voluntary basis..  To manage the large group of children that attend, we need all parents, whose children attend Children’s Liturgy, to commit to assist at least once a month. This can be either in the form of preparing and presenting the Children’s Liturgy, or to assist with crowd control (Fathers are particularly good at this!).
We always welcome new teachers to join our group.  If you would like to make contact with the Children’s Liturgy Group, please contact Christa Thomas