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2024 • 2023 • 2022 • 2021 • 2020 • 2019 • 2018
The church produces a weekly Bulletin that is available online and at the back of the Church at all masses every weekend. It contains the various notices for the upcoming weeks, as well as the contact information. It is printed at midday on Friday. Please contact the Parish Secretary before Wednesday morning if you would like something mentioned in the Bulletin for the coming Sunday.
We also produce a weekly newsletter that contains a much richer source of news and information about the goings-on in the parish. You will find links in the newsletter to easily sign up for and follow the various different online and in-person events that are up and coming. If you like the newsletter and would like to receive a copy in your inbox while it’s hot off the press, subscribe using the links below.
Many other notices and interesting reads are published on our website or our Mobile App.