04/01/2022 Day 4

1John 4:7-10; Mark 6

The Tuesday After Epiphany
Readings on p. 166 and Antiphons on p. 150 of the Daily Missal.

Entrance Antiphon.

Blest is he who comes in the name of the Lord: The Lord is God and has given us light.


First Reading: 1 John 4:7-10

A reading from the First Letter of Saint John.

let us love one another;
for love is of God,
and the one who loves is born of God and knows God.
The one who does not love does not know God;
for God is love.
In this, the love of God was made manifest among us,
that God sent his only Son into the world
so that we might live through him.
In this is love,
not that we loved God but that he loved us
and sent his Son to be the expiation for our sins.

The Word of the Lord.



Responsorial Psalm: Psalm 72:1-2.3-4ab.7-8 (R. see 11)

Let us now pray the Responsorial Psalm:

R/. All nations on earth shall fall prostrate before you, O Lord.

O God, give your judgment to the king,
to a king’s son your justice,
that he may judge your people in justice,
and your poor in right judgment.

May the mountains bring forth peace for the people,
and the hills justice.
May he defend the poor of the people,
and save the children of the needy.

In his days shall justice flourish,
and great peace till the moon is no more.
He shall rule from sea to sea,
from the River to the bounds of the earth.

R/. All nations on earth shall fall prostrate before you, O Lord.

Please stand for the Gospel.

Alleluia, Alleluia.
The Lord has sent me to preach good news to the poor,
to proclaim release to the captives.



Gospel: Mark 6:34-44

A reading from the Holy Gospel according to Mark.

At that time:
Jesus saw a great throng,
and he had compassion on them
because they were like sheep without a shepherd;
and he began to teach them many things.
And when it grew late,
his disciples came to him and said,
“This is a lonely place, and the hour is now late;
send them away,
to go into the country and villages round about
and buy themselves something to eat.”

But he answered them,
“You give them something to eat.”
And they said to him,
“Shall we go and buy two hundred denarii worth of bread,
and give it to them to eat?”

And he said to them,
“How many loaves have you? Go and see.”
And when they had found out, they said,
“Five, and two fish.”

Then he commanded them all
to sit down by companies upon the green grass.
So they sat down in groups, by hundreds and by fifties.
And taking the five loaves and the two fish
he looked up to heaven, and blessed, and broke the loaves,
and gave them to the disciples to set before the people,
and he divided the two fish among them all.
And they all ate and were satisfied.
And they took up twelve baskets
full of broken pieces and of the fish.
And those who ate the loaves were five thousand people.

The Gospel of the Lord.

Communion Antiphon.

Because of that great love of his with which God loved us, he sent his Son in the likeness of sinful flesh.

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