31/03/2020 Day 91

Psalm 101; John 8:21-30

“Let this be written for ages to come that a people yet unborn may praise the Lord;”


Much of our life is spent focusing on the world around us with little thought of preparing for our own future (eternal life) and the future of those to come – our children; their life on earth and eventual immortality in the presence of God!


Yes, we know very well what house we want, schools and universities to choose, careers to follow but do we plan our days to co – exist with the ways of God’s plan?


The Pharisees had, over time, let their guard down. Even when the Messiah was with them, they were blinded and became trapped in believing that the laws they (not God) made, regarding worldly values, which would endear them to God, not knowing of course, that they were alienating themselves from Him whilst He who stood – right before their eyes.


In their darkness they were led into sin. They were dead to Christ. All that was needed was to look beyond their material and legalistic way of life and to choose the Life that only Jesus could lead them to!


We are called every day to renew our choice to follow God; to leave sin, the darkness offered by the world that leads to DEATH and choose instead to live in the light of His  way –  the way to eternal LIFE.


As we draw nearer to Easter in our long term goal we should, in our thought and action, be making every effort to bring about our renewed commitment to leave the darkness that invades our physical, material world and live in the light dominated by our faith in Jesus.


Practical Suggestion

Relook at your priorities in life. What are your priorities this week: In this time of lockdown, strive to pray together as a family at home.  Remember that Jesus died to so that you may have eternal life. Join Him!



Almighty God I thank you for the sacrifice that you made for made for me. Help me to leave the darkness of the world below to live in your world of light. Amen.  Change my Heart O God!

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