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12/03/2020 Day 72

Luke 16:19 – 31

“If they will not listen to either Moses or the prophets, they will not be convinced even if someone should rise from the dead”


This parable tends to make people feel very uncomfortable, and I am no exception. Our 21st Century world has become a place that is very much divided between the ‘Dives’ (Latin word meaning ‘rich’) and the Lazarus’ (the poor), and the trouble is that the gap between the two groups has become almost impossible to bridge. Moreover, probably two-thirds of the world’s population counts themselves among the ‘Lazarus’!

That problem is compounded by the seeming insensitivity of the world at large to the plight of the poor. Agreed the problem is huge, and most of us throw up our hands and say, ‘Well, what can I do? I can’t solve the problem!’ True, but if each of us helped just one person each day, we would begin to whittle away at the problem!

This Lenten period invites us to ‘Repentance and Renewal’. Can we ‘let go’ of something that makes us richer than so many others? For example, can we ‘fast’ from spending money on unnecessary items and give the money to someone who has less? Can we ‘fast’ from hoarding our time for ourselves, and spend it rather with someone who is lonely, grieving, or in need of a friend?

The rich man in this parable was condemned not for his ill-treatment of Lazarus, but simply because he failed to even see Lazarus on his doorstep! That is all too easy to do. Let us not be condemned for the same failure!

Practical Suggestions

Decide how you can give of your time, talent or wealth to help at least one person this week. If you don’t know of such a person, ask your friendly parish priest for suggestions.


Lord, turn my spirit towards You, that I may see with Your eyes, and reach out to those around me who are in need of a friend or practical help. Amen.

“We can do no great things, only little things with great love. You can do what I can’t do. I can do what you can’t do. Together we can do something beautiful for God.” St. Teresa of Calcutta

During Lent, all are encourage to keep every Friday as a Day of Fast and Abstinence. Observe this day. Offer your Fast and Abstinence for the return of all lapsed Catholics. Go to Stations of the Cross. Follow the way to the Calvary with Jesus.

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