Connect Groups

At its core, a Connect Group is less about what you do and more about who you do it with. We all need
each other and that’s why we have Connect Groups running in the parish. Just like most things, you will
not know until you try, so why not join a Connect Group today!

Connect Groups provide members with a place to grow in their faith. It is a place to connect with others
in our community, grow friendships, care for each other, pray together, grow spiritually, develop your
gifts, experience love and acceptance and be missed when you do not show up.

We believe God wants every person to experience abundant life here on earth, and He designed us to
find freedom and healing through our relationships with others. Discover how lives are being changed in
Connect Groups and how you can get involved. Most groups are currently meeting over Zoom every
second week for 90 minutes and discuss a wide variety of topics.

If you would like to know more about, or join a Connect Group or a special Cancer Connect Group or if
you have any general questions then please:

  1. Send an email to the Connect Groups Support Team on the following email address:
  2. Contact Premie Naidoo on 083 236 2403
  3. For the Cancer Connect Group, please Call or SMS Delia Brady on 078 490 8501