Weekly Bulletin

21st Sunday in Ordinary Time, Year B

21st Sunday in Ordinary Time 
Year B




Mon-Thu at 8.00 am, Fri 7.40am and Saturday 8.00am 

Weekday Public Holidays at 9.00am



Saturday 5.30pm and Sunday 7.30am, 10.00am and 3.00pm


CONFESSIONS: Saturday: 8.30–9.00am, 4.30pm-5.15pm, & on request.



Sunday: pg.1194 in the Daily Missal and pg.719 in the Sunday Missal.


MARRIAGES:  6 months’ notice is required. The marriage preparation course is available both in person or online. Couples must make an appointment to see Fr Joe.


BAPTISMS: Parents and Godparents are required to attend the online preparation before the Sacrament is administered.  Please contact the Parish Office to book. Baptisms take place on first and third Sunday of the month.



Cathedral of Christ the King’s Renovation

Parish Diary


Wednesday 28 August

8.00am Mass followed by Holy Hour with Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament, prayers and meditation.

7.00pm Alpha in Emmaus Centre.


Thursday 29 August

6.30pm PPC Meeting in Parish Centre


Saturday 31 August

9.00am – 12.00pm Young Adults Meeting Parish Centre. All are welcome to attend.

Image result for ALPHA LOGO 

Alpha Week 7

How can I resist evil?

Wednesday @ 7pm in the Emmaus Centre

Text Box: JOIN US FOR A SPRING DAY CHURCH MARKETA huge variety of beautiful items will be on saleCakes & sweets, books, bric-a-brac clothing, porcelain crockery, toys, plants & more.1st September 2024. 7.00am – 12.00pm 


Dakota Daramola, daughter of Emmanual Daramola & Naledi Makhabane; Kayla, daughter of Brian & Concepta Emeribe and Lilitha, daughter of Azola Futshane & Thandoluhle Khumalo who were recently Baptised.

Bryanston Parish Heritage Day Celebrations 

Unity in Diversity

29 September 2024

Volunteers are required for readings & prayers of the faithful in different languages. After the 10.00am Mass we are having a cultural food fair with entertainment. Parishioners are requested to attend in their traditional attire.  For readings & prayers contact Jenny on 0834089605.

For donations or to be involved in the cultural activities contact Sthobile on 0738887817 or Gugu on 0824530434.

Parish Poverty Relief collection next weekend: The Parish Poverty Relief Project collection will take place on the weekend 31 August/1 September. Please bring to Mass non- perishable foods or cash for the Holy Rosary Parish in IvoryPark. Thank you for your valued support.


A New Life | The Cost, The Joy


We invite all families with their newest little members – babies and toddlers – for a special Blessing as we celebrate the beginning of spring, and the joy of new lives born into our Catholic community.

Friday, 13 September, 08.50- 09.30

Church of the Resurrection, Bryanston

Please join us after the service for refreshments at the Brescia House School Bateman Hall.

RSVP: marketing@brescia.co.za by 9 September

Church Banking Details

Account name: 



Account no.: 02 339 042 5       

Branch:  FOURWAYS 

Code:   009953


Snapscan: Scan this QR Code to make your donation.  Enter the amount you want to pay.  Confirm payment with your 4-digit PIN.




Lord, to whom should we go? You have the words of eternal life.

There is nowhere else to go. Follow Jesus, come what may. (John 6: 60-69)



Prayer for peace in Southern Africa

O God of justice and love, 
bless us the people of Southern Africa 
and help us to live in your peace. 

Lord, make me an instrument of your peace. 
Where there is hatred let me sow love;
where there is injury let me sow pardon; 
where there is discord let me sow harmony. 
Divine master, 
grant that I may not so much seek to be understood, 
as to understand, 
to be loved as to love, to receive sympathy as to give it. 
For it is in giving that we shall receive, 
in pardoning that we shall be pardoned, 
in forgetting ourselves 
that we shall find unending peace with others. We ask this through Christ Our Lord. Amen. 

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