5th Sunday in Lent Year B

5thSunday in Lent –Year B


Mon-Thu at 8.00 am, Fri 7.40am and Saturday 8.00am

Weekday Public Holidays at 9.00am


Saturday 5.30pm and Sunday 7.30am, 10.00am and 3.00pm.

CONFESSIONS: Saturday: 8.30-9.00am, 4.30pm-5.15pm, & anytime on request.

READINGS: Sunday in Lent–Year B  Pg 300 in the Daily Missal and Pg 484 in the Sunday Missal.

MARRIAGES:  6 months’ notice is required, and the marriage preparation course is available online. Couples must make an appointment to see Fr Joe to book.

BAPTISMS: Parents and Godparents are required to attend the online preparation before the Sacrament is administered.  Please contact the Parish Office to book

Congratulations to:

Trent Hudson, son of Richard & Daniela Middleton and Sage Harper, daughter of Richard & Daniela Middleton who were recently Baptised.


Tuesday 19 March

10.00am Penitential Service

Wednesday 20 March

8.00am Mass followed by Holy Hour with Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament, prayers and meditation

6.30pm Penitential Service

Friday 22 March

7.40am Mass

10.00am Stations of the Cross

6.30pm Stations of the Cross (led by

Catholic Womens League)

Saturday 23 March

8.30am SPRED in Catechetical Centre

Parish Poverty Relief collection next weekend: 23/24 March. Please bring to Mass non-perishable foods or cash for the Holy Rosary Parish in Ivory Park. Thank you for your valued support.

SECOND COLLECTION EVERY WEEKEND DURING LENT is for: The Bishop’s Lenten Appeal (Sacrificium)



Thursday 28 March

7.00pm Mass of The Lord’s Supper        followed by Adoration

Friday 29 March

10.00am Stations of The Cross

3.00pm Passion of The Lord

Saturday 30 March

9.00am Morning Prayer

5.30pm Easter Vigil

Sunday 31 March

7.30am Easter Mass

10.00am Easter Mass

Monday 1 April

9.00am Mass for Easter Monday

Easter Egg Appeal

We are encouraged to give alms during Lent.  Help to spread the good news of the Resurrection of Jesus by donating marshmallow easter eggs to destitute children. The charity organisations of Caritas will distribute them with a message of hope on each box.  Please deliver to the collection box in the foyer of the Church or Parish Office.


THANK YOU to all who have already donated Easter Eggs.

Our appeal for Easter Eggs continues.


Paschal Meal – Palm Sunday
24 March 12h00 – 15h00

You are invited to book for a family or group party, or join a table, and journey with Father Joe through a modern Christian re-enactment of Jesus’s Last Supper Passover Meal.
Take this opportunity to deepen your understanding of the Eucharist that we celebrate each Sunday.
Tickets R240.00 for adults, R120.00 for children 12 years and under.  NB Please bring your own wine and/or grape juice.

Church Banking Details
Account name:
Account no.: 02 339 042 5
Code: 009953

Snapscan: Scan this QR Code to make your donation. Enter the amount you want to pay. Confirm payment with your 4-digit PIN.

We should lke to see Jesus. Where and how do we see Jesus? Pray for a clear vision of Jesus in the Body of Christ that surrounds us; in the poor, the outcast and the suffering. Pray for the grace to stand with them. (John 12:20-33)

A prayer for protection of priests

Lord Jesus, have mercy upon your priests who are at great risk of physical harm and hate, even to the point of death. Guide their footsteps and protect their coming and going, their parishes and homes against all malicious harm. May your Precious Blood form an impenetrable defense around every priest!
We pray also for the priests who have suffered harm or unnatural death due to religious persecution and violent crime. Beloved Mary, Mother of all priests wrap your mantle of grace around these chosen men of God as a blanket of protection. And as you protected the one Eternal High Priest with maternal prayer and charity, please guard all priests from physical harm. Amen.

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