Weekly Bulletin

Bulletin – 27th Sunday in Ordinary Time

27th Sunday in Ordinary Time

Year A


WEEKDAY MASSES: Mon-Thu at 8.00 am, Fri 7.40am and Saturday 8.00am 

Weekday Public Holidays at 9.00am



Saturday 5.30pm and Sunday 7.30am, 10.00am and 3.00pm (in Zulu/Sotho)


CONFESSIONS: Saturday: 8.30–9.00am, 4.30pm-5.15pm, & anytime on request.


READINGS: 27th Sunday in Ordinary Time – Year A: p. 1326 in the Daily Missal and p. 404 in the Sunday Missal.


MARRIAGES: 6 months’ notice is required, and the marriage preparation course is available both in person or online. Couples must make an appointment to see Fr Joe.


BAPTISMS: Parents and Godparents are required to attend the online preparation before the Sacrament is administered.
Please contact the Parish Office to book.


Second Collection this weekend and next weekend: Pontifical Mission Society (Mission Month)




Tuesday, 10 October

10.00am: Rosary in the Church.


Wednesday, 11 October

8.00am: Mass followed by Holy Hour with Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament, prayers and meditation.


Friday, 13 October

10.00am: Healing Mass.
Booking essential for catering. If not already done so, please contact Véronique 0827725056


Saturday, 14 October

9.00am: CWL meeting in the Emmaus Foyer.


Sacristans: Have you ever wondered how you can serve God but are unsure in which Ministry you could accomplish this within the church? Becoming a Sacristan could just satisfy this longing! We are looking for Sacristans to help set up the altar for weekday and weekend Masses, funerals, and baptisms. If you are interested in joining this fulfilling ministry, please call Jenny 083 408 9605, as we invite volunteers to join this Ministry. We look forward to hearing from you.



Sunday, 15 October (11.30am): 

Parish First Holy Communion Mass

Sunday, 22 October (11.30am): 

Brescia House School First Holy Communion Mass

Sunday, 05 November (10.00am): 

All Souls Mass.



Catechism: We are urgently appealing for junior class catechism teachers for 2024 (for Grade 0 to Grade 3). Training will be provided. Please contact Veronique Cell: 0827725056


Fr Malesela – Thank you for your concerns following Fr taking ill at Mass last Sunday. Fr was admitted to hospital and on discharge he went back home to recuperate. Please keep him in your prayers.


Youth Rosary Hike: The Young Adults group is organising a Rosary hike for youth and young adults on 14 October 2023 at Fourways Farmer’s Market. Time: 8.00am for 8.30am. For further information, please contact Mercedes by 10 October on: 073 488 0250


Outstanding SSVP S18a Tax Certificates due to some donors.

Due to updated SARS requirements, we need further details in order to issue the remaining tax certificates. We appeal to those waiting for their Tax certificates to please contact Tinty on: 0833991339 or


Church Banking Details

Account name: 



Account no.: 02 339 042 5         

Branch:  FOURWAYS 

Code:   009953



Dismiss all anxiety from your minds. Let us present our needs to God in the form of prayer and petitions full of gratitude. Let us pray for an increase in vocations to priesthood and religious life. (Philippians 4:6-9)


O God of justice and love, 
bless us the people of Southern Africa 
and help us to live in your peace. 
Lord, make me an instrument of your peace. 
Where there is hatred let me sow love;
where there is injury let me sow pardon; 
where there is discord let me sow harmony. 
Divine master, 
grant that I may not so much seek to be understood, as to understand, 
to be loved as to love, 
to receive sympathy as to give it. 
For it is in giving that we shall receive, 
in pardoning that we shall be pardoned,
in forgetting ourselves that we shall find unending peace with others. 

We ask this through Jesus Christ your Son our Lord. 


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