Weekly Bulletin

6th Sunday of Easter Cycle A

WEEKDAY MASSES: Mon-Thu at 8.00 am, Fri 7.40am and Saturday 8.00am 

Weekday Public Holidays at 9.00am


Saturday 5.30pm and Sunday 7.30am, 10.00am and3.00pm (in Zulu/Sotho)

CONFESSIONS: Saturday: 8.30–9.00am, 4.30pm-5.15pm, & anytime on request.

READINGS: 6th Sunday of Easter, Cycle A: p. 536 in the Daily Missal and p. 263 in the Sunday Missal.

MARRIAGES:  6 months’ notice is required and the marriage preparation course is available both in person or online. Couples must make an appointment to see Fr Joe.

BAPTISMS: Parents and Godparents are required to attend the online preparation before the Sacrament is administered.  Please contact the Parish Office to book.

Congratulations to: Craigan, son of Christopher and Lara-Ann Caçaburas; Vusa, son of Themba and Reabetswe Mtombeni and Khanya, daughter of George Mutuma and Dumisile Ntimba, who were recently baptized.  

CWL “Mother’s Day” raffle tickets on sale after all Masses this weekend 13/14 May. Tickets are R20 each.


Saturday, 13 May

5.30pm: Catholic Schools Mass led by Brescia House High School

Tuesday, 16 May

10.00am: Rosary in the Church

Wednesday, 17 May

8.00am: Mass followed by Holy Hour with Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament, prayers and meditation

Mothers’ day Market: Come to the market at Bryanston Catholic Church and see beautiful hampers, raffles, gifts for moms, bric-a-brac, crocheted goods, jewellery and goodies to eat. At the same time you’ll be supporting the Caritas organisations that assist our needy Gogos and families in our community.When: Saturday 13May after 5.30pm mass and Sunday 14 May after 7.30am and 10.00am Masses.

Annual blanket appeal: Will be taking place during May. A second collection will be taken up next weekend 20/21 May for our blanket appeal. Good used, or new blankets can be deposited into the boxes in the Church Foyer after Masses or at the parish office during office hours.

Parish Hospitality Team: As we work towards our parish becoming a more welcoming church, we have a few initiatives we will be introducing. We are reminded of the Vision for our parish, United in Love and Diversity, in building the Kingdom of God, making God known and loved. We see hospitality as one of the key initiatives in continuing to help our church become a more welcoming place where we all feel at home. If you would like to join our hospitality team, please contact the Parish office and they will put you in touch with either Tom Miles or Leigh-Ann Tonkin.

St Augustine College: Will be running the short online course “Recovering from Violence”, every Tuesday evening 5.00pm to 8.00pm from 11 July – 22 August 2023. The course will be held over 7 x 3hour sessions. Price: R3,500. Please RSVP on the following email address: k.urquhart@staugustine.ac.za  For further details please call: (011) 380-9000

First Saturday of the month Devotion to the Immaculate Heart of Mary: You are all invited to join us in the Church for our first Saturday devotion to the Immaculate Heart of Mary which will take place every first Saturday of the month, starting at 8.30am (after 8.00am Mass). Please take a brochure from the Church Foyer which has more details about this Rosary.

Consecration of the Church of Divine Mercy, Ruimsig, will take place on Friday 19th May at 6.30pm. Address: 153 Van Dalen Street South, Ruimsig, Roodepoort. All welcome (but note that limited seating is available.)  

Church Banking Details

Account no.: 02 339 042 5
Branch:  FOURWAYS 
Code: 009953

 Snapscan: Scan the QR Code to make your donation.  Enter the amount you want to pay.  Confirm payment with your 4-digit PIN. 

If you love me, you will hold to my words and my Father will love you and will come to you. Where does God come to you? (John 14:15-21)

Prayer for Easter
God our Father,
by raising Christ your Son
you conquered the power of death
and opened for us the way to eternal life.
Help us to live as new people
in pursuit of the Christian ideal.
Grant us wisdom to know what we must do,
the will to want to do it,
the courage to undertake it,
the perseverance to continue to do it,
and the strength to complete it.
Lord, raise us up and renew our lives
by the Spirit that is within us.
Grant this through Christ our risen Lord.


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