18 Sloane St, Bryanston ♦ PO Box 68360, Bryanston, 2021
Tel: +27 11 706 1314/21
email: bryanston.resurrection@catholicjhb.org.za
website: www.bryanstoncatholic.co.za
Holy Week and Easter 2023
Tuesday |
6.30pm |
Penitential Service: Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament, Sacrament of Reconciliation (Third Rite), and we end with prayer & Benediction. |
H O L Y W E E K |
Saturday |
5.30pm |
Palm/Passion Sunday |
Sunday |
7.30am |
Palm/Passion Sunday |
10.00am |
Palm/Passion Sunday |
12.00pm |
Paschal Meal |
3.00pm |
Palm/Passion Sunday |
Monday |
8.00am |
Mass: Monday of Holy Week |
Tuesday |
8.00am |
Mass: Tuesday of Holy Week |
Wednesday |
8.00am |
Mass: Wednesday of Holy Week followed by Holy Hour with Confessions. |
Thursday |
The priests of the Archdiocese renew their priestly vows and the Archbishop blesses the Holy Oils at the Chrism Mass this morning at the Cathedral.
T H E T R I D U U M |
Thursday |
Evening Mass of the Lord’s Supper, followed by Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament until 11pm |
Friday |
10.00am |
Stations of the Cross: We contemplate the mystery of Jesus’ gift of himself to us. |
3.00pm |
Passion of the Lord: We see our Lord Jesus Christ on the Cross at Calvary. |
9.00am 9.30am 5.30pm |
Morning Prayer: All welcome Practice for catechumens Easter Vigil: After the Blessing of the New Fire, we go into the church spreading among us the Light of Christ. The readings remind us of salvation history. Our catechumens are baptised, confirmed and receive First Holy Communion. We celebrate the Easter Eucharist to give thanks for our Risen Lord. Please note that this service lasts over 2 hours. |
E A S T E R |
7.30am |
Easter Mass: the best renewal of our covenant of love with Jesus is to share in the Easter Sacrament – Holy Communion. |
10.00am |
Easter Mass: we are celebrating the Resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ. |
Please Note: NO 3pm Mass on Easter Sunday |
Easter Holy Water: Don’t forget to bring a bottle to church and take home some Easter Holy Water. You are encouraged to bless your home with this new Easter Holy Water. |
Monday |
9.00am |
Mass for Easter Monday |
The Joy of Easter
Oh, dear Lord, when I first learned
about your Crucifixion,
fear was in my heart.
Knowing what they did to you
is hard to understand.
I was worried that we lost you
but trusted, this was planned.
Now, I understand the joy
your painful path would bring.
Now, I know your sacrifice
that we rejoice and sing.
Behold the joy of Easter,
the miracle we were shown.
Rejoice your Resurrection,
our faith forever sown.
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