Epiphany of the Lord
Cycle A
WEEKDAY MASSES: Mon-Thu at 8.00 am, Fri 7.40am and Saturday 8.00am
Weekday Public Holidays at 9.00am
Saturday 5.30pm and Sunday 7.30am, 10.00am. The 3.00pm Mass is closed for the holidays until Sunday 15 Jan 2023.
CONFESSIONS: Saturday: 8.30–9.00 am, 4.30 pm-5.15 pm (new time), and anytime on request
READINGS: Epiphany of the Lord,
2nd Sunday in Ordinary Time, Cycle A: p. 724 in the Daily Missal and p. 313 in the Sunday Missal.
BAPTISMS: Parents and Godparents are required to attend the online preparation before the Sacrament is administered. Please contact the Parish Office to book.
CONGRATULATIONS TO: Taylor Maria, daughter of Warren and Nicole Meier, who was recently Baptized.
Saturday, 14 January
5.30pm: Mass
Sunday, 15 January
7.30am: Mass
10.00am: Mass
3.00pm: Mass (Resumes today)
Tuesday, 17 January
10.00m: Rosary in the Church
Wednesday, 18 January
8.00am: Mass followed by Holy Hour with Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament, prayers and Meditation
Saturday, 21 January
9.00am Catechism teachers meeting in the Emmaus Centre.
9.30am Altar Server training in the Church.
Sunday, 22 January
Life Teen starts today
PLEASE NOTE: 3.00pm Sunday Masses resume this Sunday, 15 January 2023.
Anyone who would like to represent the Parish in the Potential Cause of Beatification and Canonisation of Domitilla and Daniel Hyams, are welcome to attend the next meeting on 28 January 2023 at St. Therese Edenvale (Cnr Horwood Street and Van Riebeeck Avenue) at 9.00am to 10.00am.
Catechism Registration begins ONLINE from 8 January to 18 January 2023. Please register ONLINE. Go to the Catechism page on the Bryanston Catholic Church Website. Then click on the link which takes you to catechism registration. Or you can use this QR code:
Grief Share: are you grieving the loss of a loved one? Find help and healing on your journey of grief. Group therapy starts on Saturday 4 February at 10 am at St. John’s Catholic Church, Northriding. For more details contact Arianna on 071 138 8401.
We kindly urge Parishioners attending Sunday 7.30am Mass to please turn LEFT into Sloane Street when leaving the Church. Please DO NOT turn right into Sloane Street as this causes major congestion on exiting the Church. Your kind cooperation is greatly appreciated.
CARITAS: CHRISTMAS HAMPERS AND CHRISTMAS PRESENTS. Thank you for your generosity. Your donations made 400 hampers and many bulk food items and parcels. On your behalf, Caritas was empowered to answer calls for assistance from Nazareth House, Rosebank Immaculata Shelter, SSVP Diepsloot Ext 12 community, Cluny Farm, Holy Rosary Ivory Park, Holy Rosary Phiri, Witkoppen Informal Settlement, Winterveldt, Helping Hands destitute, God’s Garage destitute, Debbie’s destitute and Sister Jeanette for Krugersdorp destitute, Protea South informal settlement. Each hamper carried a prayerful Christmas message from Bryanston Parish. Please see photographs and read more detail in the Parish Newsletter and the notice board at the back of the Church.
Church Banking Details
Account name:
Account no.: 02 339 042 5
Code: 009953
Snapscan: Scan this QR Code to make your donation. Enter the amount you want to pay. Confirm payment with your 4-digit PIN.
VOCATION REFLECTION: From our birth God calls us to be whole, holy people. How are you growing in wholeness and holiness? For some, the path to wholeness and holiness is through service as a sister, brother, or priest. Think about it!(1 Corinthians 1:1-3)
Merciful Father,
send forth your Spirit upon us the people of Southern Africa. May we hear anew the voice of Jesus Christ, inviting us to walk with him across the turbulent waters of our time: “Courage, it is I. Do not be afraid.” By the grace of the Holy Spirit empower us to bring comfort to the restless, hope to those who despair, healing to victims of violence, and reconciliation where there is division. May the Holy Spirit heal our families and communities. Grant us ethical and courageous leaders who put the good of the people before their own interest. We ask for your grace to guide us to speak the truth with courage, to act justly in all we do, to share with those in need and always and everywhere to respect your gift of life as we strive to proclaim the values of the Kingdom, in solidarity with all people of goodwill. We ask this through Christ Our Lord.
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