Weekly Bulletin

Bulletin – Sixteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time, Cycle C

16th Sunday in Ordinary Time, Cycle C

WEEKDAY MASSES: Mon-Thu and Saturday  8.00am, Fri 7.40am


Saturday 6.00pm and Sunday 7.30am and 10.00am and 3.00pm.

Sotho/Zulu Mass every Sunday at 3pm.

CONFESSIONS: Saturday: 8.30–9.00 am, 5.00 pm-5.45 pm, anytime on request.

Readings:  Sixteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time, Cycle C: page 1070 Daily Missal and page 933 Sunday Missal.

MARRIAGES:  6 months’ notice is required and the marriage preparation course is available online. Couples must make an appointment to see Fr Keith to book.

BAPTISMS: Parents and Godparents are required to attend the online preparation before the Sacrament is administered. The next preparation course will be 26th & 28th July and 2nd & 4th August.  Please contact the Parish Office to book.Connect groups
These groups provide an opportunity to grow in your faith, form friendships and pray together.  To join or for more info, email bcconnectgroups@gmail.com or contact Premie Naidoo on 083-236 2403.


Sunday, 17th July 2022

After the 10.00 am Mass, the CWL invites you for tea & coffee.

Tuesday, 19th July 2022

7.00 pm. Start of Adult Instruction Class for 2022/23 in the Emmaus Centre.

Sunday, 24th July 2022

3.00pm Communion Service for the Zulu/Sotho Mass

Coming Soon

The next Adult Instruction course will be starting on Tuesday, 19 July 2022.

If you are interested, please send e-mail to us at RCIA@bryanstoncatholic.co.za.

God’s Garage make up food parcels and are appealing for spare material shopping bags (like Woolies or similar bags). The plastic shopping bags tend to be too flimsy. If you can help, please drop them off at the parish office.

The Winter Living Theology – 3-day series will take place inJohannesburg: 2-4 August 2022 at Lumko Centre, Benoni led by Fr Dan Horan OFM on   Searching for Meaning – The wisdom of Thomas Merton for our times. To book: wlt@jesuitinstitute.org.za. or  011 482 4237.

You Can Help Your MarriageRetrouvaille helps couples through difficult times in their marriages.
Retrouvaille Johannesburg will be hosting their next program from the 29th to the 31st July. Retrouvaille is a program that has the full support of our Pope  as we strive to offer hope to couples in crisis. Please can we ask you to send us any couples experiencing marital problems.They are welcome to contact Colleen on 0833397692 or  the website www.helpourmarriage.org.

Youth Outreach

We are calling for volunteers for two workshops for teenagers at Rekgomoditswe Children’s Home : 13 August – Study Skills Workshop – teens and tertiary students to facilitate

3 September – Careers Workshop – young adults in all career fields to facilitate.  Both days – playing games with the small children. You will be provided with all necessary resources in preparation for each workshop. Community service hours letters can be provided if you require. Please RSVP using link accessed via QR code. Contact No. on WhatsApp: 0780644409.

Church Banking Details



Code:     009953


Account no.: 02 339 042 5
Snapscan: Scan this QR Code  to make your donation.  Enter the amount you want to pay.  Confirm payment with your 4-digit PIN.

VOCATION REFLECTION:  We are like Martha.  There is plenty to be anxious about, but only one thing is required of us.  For five minutes today, be like Mary.  Rest with Jesus; ask him what he requires of you. (Lk 10:38-42)


Loving and Generous God, it is You who call us by name and ask us to follow You. Help us to grow in the Love and Service of our Church as we experience it today. Give us the energy and courage of Your Spirit to shape its future. Grant us faith-filled leaders who will embrace Christ’s Mission of love and justice. Bless the Church of the Resurrection by raising up dedicated and generous leaders from our families and friends who will serve Your people as Sisters, Priests, Brothers, Deacons and Lay Ministers.  Inspire us to know You better and open our hearts to hear Your call. We ask this through Christ our Lord. Amen.

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