Weekly Bulletin

Bulletin – Fifteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time, Cycle C

15th Sunday in Ordinary Time, Cycle C

WEEKDAY MASSES: Mon-Thu and Saturday  8.00am, Fri 7.40am


Saturday 6.00pm and Sunday 7.30am and 10.00am and 3.00pm.

Sotho/Zulu Mass every Sunday at 3pm.

CONFESSIONS: Saturday: 8.30–9.00 am, 5.00 pm-5.45 pm, anytime on request

Readings:  Fifteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time, Cycle C: page 1044 Daily Missal and page 928 Sunday Missal.

BAPTISMS: Parents and Godparents are required to attend the online preparation before the Sacrament is administered. The next preparation course will be 26th & 28th July and 2nd & 4th August.  Please contact the Parish Office to book.


Sunday, 10th July 2022

After the 10.00 am Mass, the CWL invites you for tea & coffee.

APPEALGod’s Garage make up food parcels and are appealing for spare material shopping bags (like the type from Woolies) or similar bags. If you can help, please drop them off at the parish office.

Coming Soon

The next Adult Instruction course will be starting on Tuesday, 19 July 2022.

If you are interested, please send e-mail to us at RCIA@bryanstoncatholic.co.za.

The Winter Living Theology – 3-day series: 2-4 August 2022 at Lumko Centre, Benoni.   For more details and to book, contact 011 482 4237 or wlt@jesuitinstitute.org.za.

You Can Help Your MarriageRetrouvaille helps couples through difficult times in their marriages.
Next program: 29-31 July. Contact Colleen on 0833397692 or go to www.helpourmarriage.org.

The Celebration Of Holy Mass And All Parish Activities Are Back To Normal. 😊 Please Note: Catholics have the obligation to attend Mass on a Sunday. This is for our spiritual growth and the grace we receive from Holy Communion. Our live stream of Sunday Mass and weekday Mass will continue for those who are unable to attend e.g. people who are infirm and housebound.

  • The wearing of masks and social distancing is no longer compulsory in our churches. However, we do need to be prudent and all parishioners who are at risk of illness and want to prevent illness, are encouraged to continue wearing masks in the church. I, personally, will continue to wear a mask when I distribute Holy Communion.
  • Holy Communion may be received on the hand or on the tongue. For the time being, we will not be having Communion under both kinds.
  • We have grown into the habit of bowing or gesturing during the Sign of Peace. We can shake hands or clasp hands together with a bow to indicate peace – what ever we are comfortable with.
  • For the collection, we will continue to have the boxes at the entrance of the church. But we have the possibility now of returning to passing around our collection bags during the Offertory. I will consult our PPC before making a decision concerning the collection during Mass. I would like to take this moment to thank all who so generously continued to contribute to our parish by EFT during the lockdown. It was your generosity which enabled us to develop our online ministry and survive the pandemic. Thank you so very much.
  • We will continue to have sanitizers at the doors of the church.
  • I would also encourage all to bless themselves with Holy Water when entering and leaving the church.

Church Banking Details



Code:     009953


Account no.: 02 339 042 5
Snapscan: Scan this QR Code  to make your donation.  Enter the amount you want to pay.  Confirm payment with your 4-digit PIN.

VOCATION REFLECTION: It’s a simple concept: love God with you whole being and put that love into practice. How is God calling you to love? Have you considered the way of loving called priesthood or religious life (Lk. 10:25-37)Prayer for South Africa
Gracious God,
we praise you for all who work for your kingdom to come.
We thank you for seeing South Africa
through many milestones in the past.
We are sorry for failing the vision of justice, peace and mercy.
Send your Holy Spirit to us in our present need,
as politically motivated violence and looting scar our country.
Be with those who govern us.
May they work selflessly and diligently
so that our country may flourish in truth and in justice’
in love and in freedom.
Grant us a listening heart
and the courage to act justly and peacefully,
to love tenderly and walk humbly with You our God.
We ask this through Christ our Lord.

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