The Bryanston Catholic Church invites you to be mindful of people in our communities who are freezing in uninsulated shelters; walk to school and work, blown in the icy wind, offering goods and standing at intersections begging for food in all weathers this winter.
How? Attend mass to participate in the Winter Warmth and Blanket Appeal for Caritas and bring warmth for people of all ages and sizes at the time of the Offertory during weekend masses on the 30th April and 1st May.
What? Good, clean warm clothes and shoes; Blankets; Non-perishable foodstuffs; Epap.
Caritas means Love. The love of Jesus.
Parish organisations under the umbrella of Caritas will receive your donations
and distribute all goods to where it is needed most.
Caritas South Africa focuses on economic justice, peace and reconciliation, human development, and climate change. It is committed to providing people from every faith, origin, and background, with the means to realise their full potential and become contributors to the common good.
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