Weekly Bulletin

Bulletin 2022 04 10 Palm Sunday cycle C


Readings for Palm/Passion Sunday are on page 326 of the Daily Missal and page 120 of the Sunday Missal.


Saturday 9th April

6.00pm: Mass Palm/Passion Sunday

Sunday 10th April

7.30am: Mass Palm/Passion Sunday

10.00am: Mass Palm/Passion Sunday

12.30pm.  Paschal meal

3.00pm.  Mass Palm/Passion Sunday

Monday 11th April

8.00am: Mass, Monday of Holy Week.

Tuesday 12th April

8.00am: Mass, Tuesday of Holy Week.

10.00am: Penitential Service: Sacrament of Reconciliation with General Absolution.

7.30pm:  Online Alpha course.Theme for this week:“How can I resist evil?”

Wednesday 13th April

8.00am: Mass followed by Holy Hour with the Sacrament of Reconciliation.

Thursday 14th April

7.00pm: Evening Mass of the Lord’s Supper, followed by Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament until 11pm.

Friday 15th April

10.00am: Stations of the Cross: This service will be live streamed.3.00pm: Passion of the Lord

day of fast and abstinence. 
Abstinence = no meat and is for all older than 14yrs. Fasting = one small meal and two collations and applies to all from 18 – 60yrs old except in the case of sickness.

Saturday 16th April
9.00am: Morning Prayer: all welcome
9.30am: Practice for catechumens
6.00pm: Easter Vigil: Our catechumens are baptised, confirmed and receive first Holy Communion tonight. This Mass will be live streamed.
Sunday 17th April
7.30am: Easter Mass: 
10.00am: Easter Mass: 
Please Note: NO 3pm Mass on Easter Sunday
God’s Garage will be holding a cake sale today. Please support them.
Don’t forget to bring a bottle to church and take home some Easter Holy Water.  You are encouraged to bless you home with this new Easter Holy Water
Monday 18th April
9.00am: Mass for Easter Monday.

The State of National Disaster for the pandemic has ended, but some regulations remain. 

  • Masks mandatory indoors, but no masks outdoors.
  • Funerals are not restricted.
 Our Baptism Preparation Course consists of 4 online sessions. We have lots of families bringing their children for baptism. This month we are losing 2 of our teams of presenters. We are urgently looking for some more couples willing to be trained as presenters. All training and support will be provided. This is an important service for our parish – so please say YES and volunteer. Contact the parish office for details. 

Today we are beginning the best week in the whole liturgical year. Centuries ago it was called the ‘Great Week‘. Nowadays we Catholics call it ‘Holy Week‘. We follow Jesus every step of the way. We start with his triumphant entry into Jerusalem, On Thursday we will join him at table and receive the gift of himself in bread and wine. We remember his Passion and on Friday we stand beside his mother at the foot of the cross. On Saturday we will be quiet and silent around his tomb. And then on Easter Sunday with joy we will sing ‘Christ is Risen.’


We are happy to have the 2nd Organ Recital evening at the Church on the 20th April at 7pm to further enhance the musical culture of our parish. Our very own organist Kyle Nel will be performing several classical pieces and we have included a soloist who will sing 2 songs accompanied by the organ. The evening will support the following charities and we ask for generous donations at the event – SSVP, Helping Hands, God’s Garage and the Parish Poverty Relief Fund.

Caritas are appealing for marshmallow Easter eggs for distribution to the underprivileged.   These can be brought to the church or the Parish office.

VOCATION REFLECTION: Blest are they who come in the name of the Lord!  Am I being called to proclaim Jesus as a priest, deacon, brother or sister?  (Luke 19:28-40)


Gracious God, 

we praise you for all who work for your kingdom to come. We thank you for seeing South Africa through many milestones in the past. We are sorry for failing the vision of justice, peace and mercy. Send your Holy Spirit to us in our present need. Be with those who will govern us. May they work selflessly and diligently so that our country may flourish in truth and in justice; in love and in freedom. Grant us a listening heart and the courage to act justly and peacefully, to love tenderly and walk humbly with You our God. We ask this through Christ our Lord.  


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