Bulletin, 5th SUNDAY IN LENT, Cycle C
Updated lockdown regulations for South Africa.
- Masks mandatory indoors
- The number of people allowed to gatherings has been unrestricted, to a max of 50% of venue capacity, provided attendees produce a valid vaccination certificate or neg Covid–19 test no older than 72 hours.
- Funerals limited to 200 people, no night vigils or post funeral gatherings
WEEKDAY MASSES: (No booking needed.) Mon – Thur 8.00am, Fri 7.40am, Sat 8.00am.
WEEKEND MASSES: No booking needed! Saturday 6.00pm and Sunday 7.30am and 10.00am. Sotho/Zulu Mass on 1st and 3rd Sundays only, at 3pm.
CONFESSIONS: Saturday: 8.30–9.00 am, 5.00 pm-5.45 pm, anytime on request
READINGS: 4th Sunday in Lent, Cycle C: Sunday Missal on p.818 and in the Daily Missal on p.276
BAPTISMS: The preparation course for parents and godparents takes place online. Please contact parish office to book and more details.
MARRIAGES: 6 months’ notice is required and the marriage preparation course is available online. It is customary that marriages do not take place in Lent. Couples must make an appointment to see Fr Keith to book.
Sunday, 3rd April
10.00am: Childrens liturgy in Hall
After 7.30 & 10.00am Masses: Catholic Women’s League will hold a booksale in the hall.
5.30pm: Lifeteen
Tuesday, 5th April
10.00am: Rosary – All welcome
7.00pm: Adult instruction class online
7.30pm: Online Alpha course.Theme for this week:“How does God guide us?”
Wednesday, 6th April
8.00am – Mass. After the Mass, we will have Holy Hour with prayers and meditations during the Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament.
19h00 to 20h00. Bryanston Youth & Young Adults invites all teenagers and young adults to a virtual prayer evening, to be held via Zoom. Starting with praise and worship, we will then pray for various intentions including mental health and global peace. Prayer leaders will provide info & a Bible reading on each prayer. No attendees will be asked to pray spontaneously unless they wish to do so. Use the QR code to RSVP by 5 April to receive an email with the Zoom link. More info: phone Elizabeth on 076 819 8044.
Thursday, 7th April
7.00pm Alpha Youth Online via Zoom.
6.30pm Penitential Service:
Reconciliation service with General Absolution in the church – all welcome
Friday, 8th April
7.40am: Mass in the church
10.00am: Healing Mass in the church followed by tea in the Emmaus Centre.
6.30pm: Stations of the Cross to be led by Brescia House School
Saturday, 9th April
9.00am–1.00pm GriefShare in the Catechetical Centre. For info call Trudy Kühl 083 242 6887.
2.00-4.00pm. Training for new Ministers of Holy Communion in the Catechetical Centre.
Society of St Vincent de Paul is appealing for good and clean 2nd hand clothing. Bags can be left at the parish office/church clearly marked SSVP. Volunteers are also needed to assist with the sortingof jumble every Wednesday at 9.30 am in the hall.
They are also appealing for doubleknit wool, appropriate size knitting needles and crochet needles for their group who are eager to start knitting and crocheting again. These items can be left at the church or parish office clearly marked St Vincent De Paul.
Paschal Meal on 10 April, 12h30–15h00: You are invited to book for a party of 8, or take part in a table, and journey with Father Keith through a modern Christian re-enactment of The Last Supper Passover Meal. Tickets R130.00 for adults, R65.00 for children under 12 years old, will cover your meal. NB. Please bring your own wine and/or grape juice.
Tuesday, 12th April at 10.00am:
Penitential Service with General Absolution in the church.
We are happy to have the 2nd Organ Recital evening at the Church on the 20th April at 7pm to further enhance the musical culture of our parish. Our very own organist Kyle Nel will be performing several classical pieces and we have included a soloist who will sing 2 songs accompanied by the organ. The evening will support the following charities and we ask for generous donations at the event – SSVP, Helping Hands, God’s Garage and the Parish Poverty Relief Fund.
Caritas are appealing for marshmallow Easter eggs for distribution to the underprivileged. These can be brought to the church or the Parish office.
VOCATION REFLECTION: What am I racing after: fame, fortune, or life in Jesus? What is the prize I seek at the finish line? (Philippians 3:8-14)
PRAYER FOR LENT Loving God, during the sacred season of Lent, bring us closer to you. Prepare a place in our parish and in our hearts for silence and solitude, so that we may rediscover the grace of a prayerful life. Help us to fast from those things that threaten the well-being of our bodies and souls; remind us of the grace of simplicity . Grant us generous hearts so that we can give to those in need and, in so doing, rediscover the grace of gratitude and generosity. May this season be a grace filled time to rekindle a love for you. We ask this through Christ our Lord. Amen
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