Fr Keith will be away from 8-17 March. Please see the Parish Diary for details of Masses and Communion Services.
see parish diary.
1th Sunday in Lent, Cycle C: Sunday Missal on p.803 and in the Daily Missal on p.202
Sunday, 6th March 2022
10.00am: Childrens liturgy Emmaus Centre
Monday, 7th March
8.00am: Mass in the church
Tuesday, 8th March
8.00am: Mass in the church.
7.00pm: Adult instruction class online
7.30 pm: Online Alpha course. The link to register is on the parish website and in the parish newsletter.
Wednesday, 9th March
8.00am: Communion Service in the church, followed by a Holy Hour with Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament.
Thursday, 10th March
8.00am: Communion Service
7.00pm Alpha Youth Online via Zoom. The link can be found in the newsletter and on the Parish website.
Friday, 11th March
7.40am: Communion Service
6.30pm: Stations of the Cross to be led by Society of St Vincent de Paul
Saturday, 12th March
8.00am. Communion Service in the church. No confessions after Mass.
9.00am–1.00pm GriefShare in the Catechetical Centre. For info call Trudy Kühl 083 242 6887.
9.00am: Catholic Women’s League meeting in the Emmaus Centre
9.30am: Altar Servers meeting in the Church
5.00-5.45pm: Confessions
6.00pm: Mass 2nd Sunday of Lent
Sunday, 13th March
7.30am: Mass 2nd Sunday of Lent
10.00am: Mass 2nd Sunday of Lent
NB: No 3pm Mass this Sunday
Monday, 14th March
8.00am: Communion Service
Tuesday, 15th March
8.00am: Communion Service
Wednesday, 16th March
8.00am: Communion Service in the church, followed by a Holy Hour with Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament
Thursday, 17th March
8.00am: Communion Service
Friday, 18th March
7.40am: Mass
SYNOD Listening Circles.
Apart from the listening circles which are being set up (and are the best way to have your voice listened to), there is also the handouts which can be filled in and placed in the collection box or scanned and emailed to Parishioners are encouraged to participate by forwarding your written submissions on line for any of the 14 topics going to and clicking on the Synod link.
Bryanston Catholic Church Young Adults Group invite you and your friends to our hike at Modderfontein Reserve on 19 March 2022! All young adults 18 – 35 are welcome. We will start with Mass at 08:00 at the church. Please arrive at the reserve from 09:00 to start the hike at 09:30. After the trail, food & beverages will be available at the Fourways Farmers Market (also on the premises at Modderfontein). Remember to bring a hat, sunscreen, water bottle. Entrance fee at the reserve is R35. Please follow the link in the QR code below to RSVP by 18 March so we know to expect you. If you need a lift, indicate so on RSVP form. Contact Elizabeth at 076 819 8044.
Listening Circles on Women in the Church will be taking place on Monday evening 7 March @ 18:00 via Zoom or in-person in the Parish Centre on Saturday 12 March @ 09:00.
Please contact Carol Teichler – email to register and for more information.
Connect groups
Sign up for a Connect group this weekend. These groups provide an opportunity to grow in your faith, form friendships and pray together. Should you wish to join or know more about Connect Groups and how to register your interest, please send an email to
or contact Premie Naidoo on 083 236 2403.
What tempts us away from the reign of God? Try this week to live as an example for the young people in your life. Let them see the rewards of living by the Good Spirit. Encourage them in their discernment with your prayers and support. (Luke 4:1-13)
LORD JESUS CHRIST, by your passion, death and resurrection you have set us free from sin and death. May your grace renew our hearts this Lent and help us turn from sin in our own lives. May we learn to appreciate more deeply the sacrifice you made for us. Accept our prayer, fasting and acts of charity as we seek to draw closer to you during this holy season. Strengthen the faith of your people so that we may be a sign of your love to all the world. Lord Jesus, you live and reign with God the Father in the unity of the Holy Spirit, one God, for ever and ever. AMEN.

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