Weekly Bulletin

Bulletin 8th Sunday OT – Cycle C

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TIME, Cycle C 
WEEKDAY MASSES: (No booking needed.) Mon – Thur 8.00am, Fri 7.40am, Sat 8.00am. 
WEEKEND MASSES: No booking needed! Saturday 6.00pm and Sunday 7.30am and 10.00am. Sotho/Zulu Mass on 1st and 3rd Sundays only, at 3pm. 
CONFESSIONS: Saturday: 8.30–9.00 am, 5.00 pm-5.45 pm, anytime on request 
READINGS: 8th Sunday in ordinary time, Cycle C:  Sunday Missal on p.903 and in the Daily Missal on p.873 
BAPTISMS: The preparation course for parents and godparents takes place online. Please contact parish office to book and more details. 
MARRIAGES:  6 months’ notice is required and the marriage preparation course is available online. It is customary that marriages do not take place in Lent. Couples must make an appointment to see Fr Keith to book. 

Connect groups:  contact Premie Naidoo on 083 236 2403. 


Sunday, 27th February 2022  
10.00am: Childrens liturgy Emmaus Centre 
8.30 – 11.30am.   CWL book sale in the Emmaus Centre 
Tuesday, 1st March 
7.00pm:  Adult instruction class online 
7.30 pm:  Online Alpha course.  The link to register is on the parish website and in the parish newsletter. 
Wednesday, 2nd March 
ASH WEDNESDAY:  A day of fast and abstaining from meat. 
6.30am, 8.00am, 10.00am, 6.30pm.  
Thursday, 3rd March 
7.00pm  Alpha Youth Online via Zoom.  The link can be found in the newsletter and on the Parish website. 
Friday, 4th March 
10.00am  WOMEN’S WORLD DAY OF PRAYER in the church – all welcome. 
5.00pm:  Exposition of the Blessed  
Sacrament with Benediction 
6.00pm: Mass on First Friday 
6.30pm:  Stations of the Cross to be led by Connect and Alpha 

Saturday, 5th March 
9.00am–1.00pm  GriefShare in the Catechetical Centre.  For info call Trudy Kühl 083 242 6887. 
“I know the Plans I have for You” 
is the theme for Women’s World Day of Prayer 2022. Our parish is hosting and all are invited on Friday 4th March at 10.00am in the Church to celebrate prayer and unity in Christ! 
SYNOD Listening Circles. 
We are all called to contribute to making our local, national, and global church better and to raise awareness about the things that we feel strongly about, so have YOUR say about YOUR CHURCH!  
The topics cover parish issues, marginalized groups and special interest topics. There are 14 different topics, have a look at the parish website for details and the questions that will be covered at https://www.bryanstoncatholic.co.za or via the Parish App. 
You can participate by 1) joining a Listening Circle Group on a specific topic by emailing your group choice to alanteec1@gmail.com and the group facilitator will let you know when that group is running. OR 2) by making a written submission by picking up a response questionnaire after the 26 February Saturday evening Mass or, 27 February after the Morning Masses. Tables will be set up outside the church. 
Listening Circles on Women in the Church will be taking place on Monday evening 7 March @ 18:00 via Zoom or in-person in the Parish Centre on Saturday 12 March @ 09:00. 
Please contact Carol Teichler – email teichler.carol@gmail.com to register and for more information. 
The Parish Finance Committee will report on our finances at the weekend Masses on 26/27 Feb. We will also ask you to dedicate yourself to our parish. 
VOCATION REFLECTION: Each tree is known by its fruit.  What are the gifts and talents the Lord has given me?  How is he asking me to use them?   (Luke 6:39-45) 
Lord God,
you alone are the source of every good
gift, /of the vast array of our universe, /
and the mystery of each human life. /
We praise you and we thank you / for
your tender, faithful love. / Everything we are / and everything we have /
is your gift. After having created us, /
you have given us / into the keeping of
your Son, Jesus Christ. / Fill our minds with his truth / and our hearts with his love, /that in his spirit we may be bonded together / in a community of faith, / a parish family, / a caring people. / In the name and Spirit of Jesus, / we commit ourselves to be good stewards / of the gifts entrusted to us, / to share our time, / our talent, / and our material gifts / as an outward sign  / of the treasure we hold in Jesus.
We ask this through Christ our Lord. Amen. 

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