Weekly Bulletin

Bulletin 6th Sunday OT – Cycle C


TIME, Cycle C 


WEEKDAY MASSES: (No booking needed.) Mon – Thur 8.00am, Fri 7.40am, Sat 8.00am.

WEEKEND MASSES: No booking needed! Saturday 6.00pm and Sunday 7.30am and 10.00am (Please note:  No 3.00pm or 5.00pm Mass)

CONFESSIONS: Saturday: 8.30–9.00 am, 5.00 pm-5.45 pm, anytime on request

READINGS: 5th Sunday in ordinary time, Cycle C:  Sunday Missal on p.895 and in the Daily Missal on p.827

BAPTISMS: The preparation course for parents and godparents takes place online. Please contact parish office to book and more details.

MARRIAGES:  6 months’ notice is required and the marriage preparation course is available online. It is customary that marriages do not take place in Lent. Couples must make an appointment to see Fr Keith to book.

Connect groups:  contact Premie Naidoo on 083 236 2403.


Sunday, 13th February 2022

10.00am Childrens liturgy Emmaus Centre

Tuesday, 15th February

7.00pm  – Adult instruction class online

Wednesday, 16th February

8.00am – Mass. After the Mass, we will have Holy Hour with prayers and meditations during the Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament.

Friday, 18th February

10.00am.  Healing Mass followed by tea for senior parishioners in the Emmaus Centre. Please RSVP through the parish office at 011 706 1314/21.

Saturday, 19th February

9.00am–1.00pm  GriefShare in the Catechetical Centre.  For info call Trudy Kühl at 011 469 0355 or 083 242 6887 or ekuhl.kuhl@gmail.com.

7.00pm.  Young Adults kickstarting their social events for 2022 with a Games Night! If you’re 18-30 years old, join us in the Emmaus Centre for a night of all of your favourite board games. Bring your competitive spirit, snacks to share, and your own drinks. You’re welcome to bring friends. Contact Elizabeth 076 819 8044.

Coming Soon

Next Alpha course will start online on 22nd February. This consists of 11 weeks meeting via zoom at 7.30pm every Tuesday. The link to register is on the parish website and in the parish newsletter.

Alpha Youth Online is starting on Thursday 24 February at 19:00 via Zoom. Registration has already opened. The link can be found in the newsletter and on the Parish website.

Are you interested in being received into the Catholic Church? Are you married to a Catholic and wish to know more about the Faith. Did you miss out on Confirmation as a youngster but now wish to receive the fullness of the Holy Spirit? Then you are invited to attend the Alpha course in February and then join our Adult instruction Course in May this year.

World Youth Day (2023) in Lisbon, Portugal. Registration closes in May, and a deposit of R5000 is due by then. The details for registration can be found on the Parish website and on the archdiocese’s youth website.

Snapscan: Scan this QR Code  to make your donation.  Enter the amount you want to pay.  Confirm payment with your 4-digit PIN.

Church Banking Details


Branch: FOURWAYS CROSSING Code: 009953


Account no.:     02 339 042 5

VOCATION REFLECTION: St Luke tells us today where true blessing lies – and where the fleeting rewards of the world.  Blessed are we who respond to God’s call; happy shall we be.  (Luke 6:17, 20-26)



from the depths of our hearts,

we pray that you will comfort, heal and bless all the victims of crime. 

We pray too that you will protect all people from the evil of crime and violence. 

We pray especially for the conversion of all criminals –

remove all evil from their hearts

and fill them with your goodness and love,

that they may cease their evil works

and that our city and our land

may be freed from the scourge of crime and violence. 

We pray also for the grace

to purge ourselves of all violence

in our own thoughts and actions,

in our family life, in our friendships

and in our relationships with others.

We ask this through Christ our Lord.  AMEN.

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