Weekly Bulletin

3rd Sunday in Ordinary Time, Cycle C

WEEKDAY MASSES: (No booking needed.) Mon – Thur 8.00am Fri 7.40am, Sat 8.00am.

WEEKEND MASSES: No booking needed!

Saturday 6.00pm and Sunday 7.30am and 10.00am Please note:  No 3.00pm or 5.00pm Mass until further notice)

CONFESSIONS: Saturday: 8.30–9.00 am, 5.00 pm-5.45 pm, anytime on request

READINGS: 3rd Sunday in ordinary time, Cycle C:  Sunday Missal on p.881 and in the Daily Missal on p.752


Sunday, 23rd January 2022

8.30am Catechism Classes start in person at Brescia House School.

Late registrations for Grade R – 6 and Lifeteen, grade 7 – 10 in the Emmaus Centre.

10.00am Childrens liturgy Emmaus Centre

Tuesday, 25th January

7.00pm Adult instruction class online

Wednesday, 26h January

8.00am Mass

After the Mass, we will have Holy Hour with prayers and meditations during the Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament. A lift is required for a disabled parishioner in  Magaliessig to attend Mass on either Saturday/Sunday to and from home. Person willing to contribute to the costs. Please contact the parish office.

Connect groups are resuming after the holidays. These groups provide an opportunity to grow in your faith, form friendships and pray together. If you wish to join or know more about Connect Groups and how to register your interest, please  email bccconnectgroups@gmail.com

or contact Premie Naidoo on 083 236 2403.

Gods Garage is starting a drive for teenage girls in Orange Farm in February. They will be collecting sanitary towels, anything smelly and nice, underwear (new), clothing for girls 13-18 years of age, face cloths, bags for these items or anything to add to these “goody bags”. Please assist in giving these girls their dignity. All parcels can be labelled attention Luane or Gods Garage.

Next Alpha course will start online on 22nd February. This consists of 11 weeks meeting via zoom at 7.30pm every Tuesday. More information to follow.

Are you interested in being received into the Catholic Church? Are you married to a Catholic and wish to know more about the Faith. Did you miss out on Confirmation as a youngster but now wish to receive the fullness of the Holy Spirit? Then you are invited to attend the Alpha course in February and then join our Adult instruction Course in May this year.


The spirit of God is upon you! Through Baptism and confirmation God sends you “to bring glad tidings to the poor and to proclaim liberty to captives; to announce a year of favour from the Lord.” Are you called to be a priest, deacon, brother, or sister? (Luke 1:14-21)

AT PRAYER WITH MARY: Join Renew Africa on air for this series.

When: Mondays 8.00pm – 9.00pm and  Saturdays  5.00-6.00pm.

  • http://www.radioveritas.co.za and then click on “listen live” logo.
  • Cell-phone: Go to Apps Simple Radio Look up Radio Veritas, Mark as a favourite.
  • Radio: 576medium wave

A Lifeline for Marriage – Retrouvaille helps couples through difficult times in their marriages. It is designed to provide the tools to help get your marriage back on track. It will give you the opportunity to rediscover each other and examine your lives together in a new and positive way. This program has helped thousands of couples experiencing marital difficulty at all levels including disillusionment and deep misery. For more information or to register for the program beginning with a weekend on the 28th – 30 January 2022 please visit our website www.helpourmarriage.com or call us on 083 339 7692. Give your marriage the chance it needs…

The Parish Poverty Relief Project will resume on 29/30 January 2022. The project has been running in the Bryanston parish for 20 years and money and groceries are collected on the last weekend of the month and handed over to the Holy Rosary Parish in Ivory Park. The groceries that we are collecting are: mealie meal, sugar, rice, soya mince, peanut butter, cooking oil, dry beans, tinned fish, baked beans, etc. Please can you bring these to mass on the last weekend of every month.If you would prefer to make a contribution directly to the Holy Rosary Church in Ivory Park – the banking details are the following: Holy Rosary Catholic Church, Standard Bank, Midrand – Account Number: 202461785 and Branch Code: 001155. Please indicate on the deposit reference number that you are from the Bryanston Parish.

Snapscan: Scan this QR Code  to make your donation.  Enter the amount you want to pay.  Confirm payment with your 4-digit PIN.

Church Banking Details


Branch: FOURWAYS CROSSING Code: 009953


Account no.:     02 339 042 5

you walk alongside us / and speak to us throughout the Scriptures:
in the message of the prophets, / the songs of David / and the vision of Paul. Your Son, Jesus Christ, / listens to our hopes and fears / and shows us how to live: in our love of neighbour / our desire for justice, / and in our dying and rising each day. Send us the Holy Spirit / to open our hearts and minds / so that we may be your witnesses / throughout the world: in our protection of the vulnerable, / our words and actions / and in our communion with the earth. We ask this through Christ our Lord. Amen

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