Vocations Sunday

On Sunday 3rd May, we are joining the entire Church to pray for Vocations. In Pope Francis’ annual address for this special day of prayer, he reflects on the Gospel of Matthew 14:22-33, the story where Jesus invites Peter to walk on the waves with Him. Pope Francis uses four words to explain the different stages of the journey that all those who choose to follow him will encounter on their journey to vocation – pain, gratitude, encouragement and praise. Every one of us is called to a Vocation – be it Holy Orders, Consecrated Life, Single Life or Marriage. Pope Francis exhorts us to take courage and embrace our Vocations with the words of Jesus – “Take heart, it is I; have no fear” (MT14:27).

These comforting words form our Holy Father couldn’t have come at a more appropriate time and during this time when usual business and rhythms of life have been disrupted, it gives us the opportunity to focus on areas we don’t often consider. Our families are the soil where Vocations grow, whether they be for priests, deacons, religious brother and sisters, holy single people or devoted married people.

We would like you to pray together with us for Vocations (LINK) and for our priests especially this Sunday, and if possible, dedicate a Rosary (LINK) prayed with your family for vocations as often as possible.

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